Bayside's Back-to-School Drive Helps Over 200 Students from 33 Different Schools

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In preparation for the new school year, we’ve teamed up with various partners and organizations to help students and their families get prepared. We know that for some students this school year will be extra difficult because of the challenges of distance and hybrid learning last year. We will continue to look for meaningful ways to support students and their familes throughout the school year but for now, we are happy to have help over 200 students from 33 different schools start this school year on the right foot by providing backpacks and other school school supplies.

Addressing Housing Insecurity in Linda Vista

Affordable housing remains a critical need in Linda Vista and throughout San Diego and we know that this is a big issue that will take significant collaboration and effort before every resident has an affordable and secure place to call home.

Linda Vista has one of San Diego’s most socio-economically distressed neighborhoods with residents facing housing insecurity, the effects of gentrification, overcrowding in complexes, and sometimes even unsafe or unlivable conditions. More than a quarter of Linda Vista’s 33,461 residents are considered “extremely low income,” and almost 50% are “very low income,” according to data from SANDAG and HUD. Additionally, residents are being priced out of their homes as rental rates continue to climb.

That’s why we take a two-pronged approach to addressing housing insecurity. Our team provides direct, on-the-ground support by means of forms assistance and resource referrals. Our team makes services accessible in three languages, English, Spanish, and Vietnamese, to bridge language barriers. We also provide one-on-one case management and forms assistance in these languages to clients in need of assistance locating and acquiring stable, dignified housing.

Additionally, we are proud to work alongside elected officials, other non-profit organizations, and resident leaders to advocate for long-term systemic changes that prioritize affordable housing in local and regional development. Bayside leverages its voice on the Linda Vista Planning Group, as the chair of that group’s Affordable Housing Task Force launched in September 2021. The Task Force’s goal is to ultimately offer policy choices that policymakers and other communities can act on that support the development and prioritization of affordable housing in neighborhoods like Linda Vista. Bayside is also an active participant in community bodies like Live Well San Diego North Central Team, SANDAG Social Equity Working Group, and the Linda Vista Collaborative which work to advance equitable and sustainable regional development.

If you would like to help support our efforts on-the-ground or behind-the-scenes contact us at

Board of Directors Expansion

Despite the many challenges associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, Bayside Community Center grew in important ways last year. One exciting area of development was the expansion of the Board of Directors from six to nine members. Note the heartfelt expressions of board members.

Vice President of Bayside’s Board of Directors, Ilana Lopez, comments, “Bayside is one of very few boards that is diverse and reflective of the community in which it serves. We have several board members either actually grew up in the community in which Bayside serves or are currently living in the community, which is a critical perspective to have on the board. The new additions to our board are a continued reflection of Bayside's commitment to having board members who are from or live-in the community and having a strong representation of women and people of color on the board. Each of the new board members also brings an important skill to the table, whether it be financial knowledge, donor connections, or leadership experience, which shows that it is possible and necessary to have a board that is diverse in every way and possess the knowledge and experience necessary to push the organization forward.”

Board of Director’s Secretary, Demi Brown, adds, “I feel that Bayside's board is special because it consists of a diverse group of individuals who are all truly passionate about serving the Linda Vista community. Board members are not here just to check a box, they are engaged and are active in order to help ensure the organization is successful. We are really excited to add these three new passionate members to our board!”

Regarding his decision to join Bayside Community Center’s board, Juan Aguilar, Director of Operations for Rowling & Associates LLC says, “My passion for helping the community and giving back is what drew me to Bayside. I decided to get involved as a board member at Bayside because I believe in their mission and have a passion for helping those in need. I feel honored to have been invited to join the board. I admire the leadership at Bayside and look forward to helping the community.”

Similarly, recent board member, Danielle Hartman, US Bank- Linda Vista Branch Manager, remarks, “I work and live right next to the Linda Vista community and after learning more about the needs of the community and the mission of Bayside Community Center I wanted the opportunity to be involved with such a great organization and help make an impact by doing whatever I can to help make a difference. I believe that my passion for helping others and volunteerism, as well as my skills and resources relating to financial education, community outreach, relationship management, fundraising, and networking, will allow me to help contribute to the growth and mission of Bayside Community Center.”

Additionally, new board member, Toaono “Ono” Vaifale, US Federal Court Southern District Supervisor, shares, “Since moving to San Diego, I immediately drew an interest in Bayside largely due to the organization's decades-long consistent and meaningful impact in the culturally diverse community of Linda Vista. I have been a Pacific Islander youth advocate in Orange County for many years. After moving to San Diego, it was important to me that I continue my community efforts. I grew great concern for the increasing gang violence in our neighborhood and was excited to find a team of dedicated community builders at Bayside to work with. By joining the Bayside Board, I am also able to help perpetuate the value of community work by setting an example for my two sons and generations to come.”

Truly, Bayside Community Center’s Board of Directors is an encouraging reflection of how the organization is empowering a diverse community to improve the quality of life in Linda Vista. See Bayside’s whole team here.